
Convert browsers into buyers with our ecommerce expertise

Don’t let sales slip through your fingers. Craft a seamless and high-converting online shopping experience with Pixflow’s expertise in ecommerce website design and data-driven marketing strategies. We help businesses in Blackpool and beyond create beautiful, user-friendly online stores that not only look great but also drive sales and achieve your ecommerce goals.

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Are you struggling to turn visitors into paying customers?

You might be pouring resources into attracting traffic, but are customers getting lost in a confusing website layout, abandoning carts before checkout, or simply not engaging with your products?

  • High Bounce Rates: Visitors leave your website quickly without exploring your products.
  • Cart Abandonment: Customers add items to their carts but don’t complete the purchase.
  • Low Conversion Rates: Very few website visitors actually make a purchase.

Pixflow understands the unique challenges of ecommerce. Our expert team combines beautiful and user-friendly ecommerce website design with data-driven marketing strategies to create a seamless shopping experience that drives sales and conversions.

Impactful ecommerce websites that convert.

We go beyond the norm, with a combination of thoughtful design and conversion rate optimisation, we offer a comprehensive suite of features specifically designed to boost your online store’s performance and drive sales. It’s time to turn clicks into customers, and customers into die-hard fans.

Seamless user experience

Create a user-friendly online store that guides customers effortlessly through the purchase journey. Our intuitive website design and clear navigation ensure a smooth shopping experience that minimises cart abandonment.

Data-driven marketing strategies

Reach the right audience with laser precision. Pixflow’s data-driven marketing strategies help you target ideal customers, drive qualified traffic to your store, and convert them into loyal customers.

Enhanced product visibility

Put your products in the spotlight! We optimise your online store for search engines and marketplaces, ensuring your products are easily discoverable by potential buyers, leading to increased sales and brand awareness.

The ROI of a masterfully crafted & streamlined ecommerce website

Still unsure if investing in a professional ecommerce website is worth it? Here’s a glimpse of the incredible results you can achieve with Pixflow’s expert design and strategic marketing.


Increase in ROI

A group of 3D ecommerce vector items

Ready to grow your sales?

Increase conversions, boost average order value, and achieve your ecommerce goals with Pixflow's expert ecommerce website design and marketing strategies.
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Boost your average order value by 15%

Want to see a significant increase in your online store's revenue? We can help you maximise the value of each customer visit. Our strategic product recommendations and upselling techniques encourage customers to explore complementary products and add more high-value items to their carts, ultimately increasing your average order value.

Simplify the checkout process

A confusing checkout process can be a major turn-off for customers. We prioritise a seamless shopping experience. We design user-friendly checkout flows with clear product information and easy-to-use payment methods. This minimises customer frustration and cart abandonment, leading to more completed purchases.

Drive targeted traffic & conversions

The right audience is key to ecommerce success. Our data-driven marketing strategies help you reach your ideal customers with laser precision. We create targeted advertising campaigns and optimise your online store for search engines, ensuring your products are seen by potential buyers who are most likely to convert.

Ecommerce: From the Pixflow blog

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We are a Creative Digital Marketing Agency based in Blackpool Lancashire, specialising in Creative Web Design, Web Development, SEO and Digital Marketing.